Wednesday 25 April 2012

pop corn videos

Poppin Some corn


Popcorn, the perfect snack for a movie or really anytime. Who knew that this little dried-up corn kernel would pop open into this edible, light, and healthy treat after being put to some heat.

Historians have debated for years where exactly popcorn originated but they do know that it was discovered in one of the Americas.

Many believe that the Native Americans discovered popcorn first but archaeologists have found fossil traces of popcorn in Mexico

Popcorn was not always used as a snack during the day or a baseball game or the movies because some colonist would actually eat it for breakfast with cream and sugar, like we would do now with our modern day cereal.

During the 1890’s popcorn became extremely popular, especially since it was the great depression and so cheap! Vendors would roll their street cart style popping machines and go where ever the crowd was.

They would go to parks and fairs and of course the people would buy it because of its low price people could afford it. Pretty much the popcorn business took off.

Popcorn rose to fame during World War II when sugar was being sent off to the troops which left little for candy production. During that time Americans ate three times more popcorn.

But as the war ended and television started to make a rise the popcorn industry saw a decline. Many people weren’t going to the movies anymore but a partnership between Coca-Cola and Morton Salt and advertising in individual companies made the idea of home popping a success in the 1950s.

In the 1980s microwave popcorn became the new sensation and now the average American eats around 68 quarts of pop corn a year.

Popcorn is still a huge staple in the country and is sold at the movies, grocery stores, and fairs. And there are still little vendors trying to make some money.

Like at Lyndon State College the Society of Professional Journalist have been selling popcorn at the weekly movies at the school for years now. It has been the clubs constant form of fundraising for trips to national journalism conferences.

Kevin Lessard who is currently the student government representative for the club makes the popcorn every week. He makes around 3 scoops of popcorn. He adds this buttery flavored liquid to get the yellow color and flavor that people want.

The bags of popcorn sell for a dollar and 50 cents for smaller bags and the club is thinking about maybe starting to sell drinks at the movies.

All facts about popcorn found on: 

Ed and Joe-Edit

Monday 16 April 2012



some local area ghettos and the interesting characters within them

Packer Paperazzi

"Packer paparazzi" idea...bombard people entering the packer with questions and have cover footage as well

Wednesday 11 April 2012

try again...

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Jake Carlton Rock Climbing

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Monday 26 March 2012

Schof Slide

Tyler Schofield…friend….tennis player…rapper. When Schofield was a young ladd, he was inspired by Ying Yang twins and lyrical genius was embedded in his mind. Originally born Middleboro Mass, his favorite food was his Mac n Cheese and lyrical genius was embedded in his head. When he entered Lyndon State College, he had few things on his mind. He wanted to play tennis. He wanted to get a Television studies degree on the The Production house side of the business. And he wanted to drop hell fire and brimstone on paper with more lyrical genius. Entering his Junior year of college, he never though that he would be taken seriously in the rap game. Aj Raskin, a friend of many, a true if you will, and a Music Buissness Industry major, approached him with one goal in mind, spit mad fire on stage. Schofield was pessimistic about the idea but Schofy was ready to role with the idea. Critics were harsh, they were determined to bring him down, ripping on his beats, his lyrics, his skin color. After weeks of determination, preparation, observation and communication Schof was ready to put his money where his mic was. Schof created nine tracks with fresh beats. His manager, Aj Raskin, was extremely high on Schofield and for the feature of “Battle of the Bands :Music Mondays” Schof was to open for nationally known, folk band, Suncooked. He was extremely scared the night of the show but with the help of his friends he took to the stage, and with DJ Trice the show went on. “It was cray KEEEEEEEDDDD” said Schofield. When asked if he will ever find the mic on the stage again? He replied “Ah, shit, nah kid, never again.” Photos-Group Editing-Ed and Joe Writing-Ed and Joe Music selection-Jenn And jess Audio recording-Jenn and Ed

Monday 5 March 2012


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slideshow basic

Hey everyone!

Our slide show is going to be a little cooking lesson. We are going to teach LSC junior Abe Hinman how to cook himself a great hungover breakfast...which includes eggs, and pancakes. To start our story line we are going to wake him up in his dorm room after a night at the club and make him cook. We will of course have the recorder going the whole time and pictures to show what happened. The pictures through out the process will show what everything looked like. The photos will end up having a nice flow to them. We don't really want the slide show to look choppy and boring. Our goal is to keep the slide show moving and flowing to make it a more entertaining and attention grabbing. Also we plan to edit it down a whole lot to fit into the 2-3 minute time constraint.The intended audience is any hungover college student who wakes up hungover who doesn't have enough change in their pocket to get breakfast at the diner.Students should find this funny and very informative. It also will save them money and they can do it in their pj's! This is an interesting story for that audience because they should be entertained by the reaction we get. Our teams duties will be given out as follows:

Photos-Jess Walsh 
Photo Editing-Jess Walsh
Audio-Jenn Morin
Sound slides editing-Jenn Morin
Text-Ed Horan and Joe Peters 
Music-Not sure yet

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Wednesday 15 February 2012

holy awkward

hopefully the link worked [url=]DivShare File - Awkward_Podcast_1.mp3[/url] from the ginger journalist:The podcast is definitely more on the conversational side of things, we think its pretty funny and it is most definitely awkward. First we made a list of awkward situations that have either happened to us directly or to people we get ideas we went online and looked at sites like "That awkward moment." After the list was made we tried to narrow it down to just a couple that are worthy of making it to the podcast itself. When we began recording we thought instead of having music to accompany it we would just sing awkwardly at the beginning and end to make it even more awkward. During the podcast we introduced ourselves in the beginning but after that we didn't really say our names much. We really tried to keep it more low key and we didn't have very much structure to it and I think that it works for this kind of podcast. Some awkward moments we included were, how do you know which armrest is yours at the movies, facebook creeps, and seeing people that you really don't want to talk to. During the editing process we really had to cut it down because we had 21 minutes of us talking. So we cut it down to around 6 minutes of good awkward moments and hopefully a lot of funny and really true parts that we think happen to a lot of people. Well that's really all I can say about the podcast. I really enjoyed the process even though I was unable to figure out how to embed the podcast on my post so I have linked it to the Divshare site and that seems to work when you click on it. Hope you enjoy listening to our little podcast and I hope you find it as humorous as we all did.

Monday 13 February 2012


Outline blog idea

Podcast team project

- Create a 5- to 10-minute audio project and make it available on your blogs as a podcast.
- Use at least two voices.
- Write a 400-word story to accompany it. The story should complement the podcast rather than regurgitate it. Grammar and spelling count.

- Submit project outline via blogs February 13
- Submit project via blogs February 15

Some ideas:
- Restaurant reviews
- Dorm cooking tips
- Interview
…a professor
…an athlete
…an interesting student
…students (plural) about a topic
- Review an LSC band
- Advice
…easiest classes

Monday 6 February 2012




Toucher and rich are the shit...
here is a podcast from one of their media day segments

I think they are the best nothing is bad about their show...they are funny, personal, and full of facts, three parts to the reason why they are the top media producer in a strong every demographic.

this podcast sucks. SERIOUSLY. they are old men bickering about sports and they are more worried about their ego and what toucher and rich are doing. They should find a different home.

adam carolla is pretty funny. Top 5 comedian alive.

Monday 30 January 2012



I dont have a story

Well i need a story for news7 who has an idea leave your comments below...


I pimped my blog hombres...tickle ya stache to that one folks, look around. If you dont wanna then I dont give a hoot.
There was an accident on the 21st at roughly 8pm in ferrisburgh. Police arrived and saw there was an overturned car with one adult and two children. All occupants were transported to the hospital. One of the occupants of a vehicle will be brought to court with mad ignant driving and possesion of pot. Dont smoke n drive kids
In summary of press releases over the weekend there was a shitload of accidents...god damn snow.
thank god noone died

Monday 23 January 2012

Blogging Blows

I really feel like im on myspace again blogging sucks, you guys
My hombres
here is a like that i enjoyed on facebook
jarryd works there so its the shit
another site is from home, where i should be interning this summer.